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 The History of Linux

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Posts : 71
Join date : 2008-04-06

The History of Linux Empty
PostSubject: The History of Linux   The History of Linux EmptyWed Jul 16, 2008 8:27 pm

1960s-The Unix operating system(OS) was Conceived and implemented.

1983 - Richard Stallman started the GNU project - his goal was to make free Unix-like OS - He also wrote the GNU General Public License(GPL)

1990s - Richard Stallman almost had enough stuff to create the full OS, but the GNU kernel, called Hurd, sucked major ass and people simply didn't like it.

1980s - Meanwhile in the ghetto, UC Berkeley made the 6th edition of Unix which they jacked from AT&T. Since the AT&T Unix had the "AT&T" code they sued Berkey's ass.

1987 - Another Geek, by the name of Andrew Tanenbaum released MINIX, a wanna be Unix-like system. But MINIX's Keneral still sucks ass!

1991 - The pro-Geek, Linus Torvalds, finally said "fuck this Ima make my own Kernal" - so he wrote a operating system kernel. He wanted to call Linux "Freax aka Freak" but people thought that name was fucken stupid. In September, Linus finally admitted that Freax was a stupid retarded name and agreed to name it Linux.

1992 - The Linux Kernel is relicensed under the GNU

1993 - Over 100 no life computer geeks worked on Linux kernel to create a better sectrum of applications for linux

1994 - Linus Torvalds said the the Kernel of Linux has gone though enough shit and its fully matured and ready to kick ass.

1995 - Linux busted their ass into DEC and to the Sun SPARC - aka they be taking over more platforms.

1996 - Linux kernel went 2.0

1998 - IBM, Compaq, Oracle - said "we fucken support linux cause this shit is free"

1999 - More Com-geeks begin to work on GNOME

2000 - Y2k "we are all gona fkcne die"

2001 - Looks like we're not dead yet =\

2004 - X window Server for Linux
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