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 Downloading Ventrillo

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Posts : 10
Join date : 2008-08-09
Age : 39
Location : US

Downloading Ventrillo Empty
PostSubject: Downloading Ventrillo   Downloading Ventrillo EmptyMon Aug 11, 2008 10:52 am

ok this is just my personal opinion but everyone in guild should try to get ventrilo if they are able to, also obtaining a headphone and/or mic is preferred is financially possible. once you do get it (download) the basic setups of to get it up and working are provided as follows....


1. donwload ventrilo...figure it

2. create a user name....recommended you use your ign

3. connect to server...Asperity (yea spell it right ... come on)

4. ip:

5. port: 2499

once thats all taken care of and your in the server, then we can go to setting to begin your one way trip ta hell ......jk

a. click setup button

b. uncheck "Play Key Clicks" .... an annoying sound is emitted before you talk, to let you know your speaking....its annoying so just turn it off

c. in Hotkey, set whatever button you normally Don'T use as the hotkey, otherwise in game it'll screw you up. recommend you use "Mouse: Button 3" aka the wheel on some of the newer mouses.... press the wheel down as if it were a button, should click like one. (microsoft wireless mouses 2000 and up models...dont know about other brands)

d. since we don't want to, nor need to, or like to to shout, everyone in vent naturally seems like their whispering sweet nothings to calm...just adjust the "Inbound" under Amplifiers to 10 to hear them. like wise

f. adjust your "Outbound" to 10 so ppl can hear you better, if after initial moments of verbal exchanges occur, and ppl still say they cant hear you. whatever you do, DO NOT hurts our ears. nothing else from the default setup needs to be adjusted as it should work fine after that.

g. if problems still occur, ask whoevers on, they might be able to help...if not...

h. go to and read in forums about your questions or problems.

ok hopefully this helps as after i got vent downloaded i had a few problems as did ppl after me.

**sticky by any chance?
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