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 Um..question about Stats or w/e they're called.

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Join date : 2008-04-20
Age : 40
Location : Wentzville, Missouri USA

Um..question about Stats or w/e they're called. Empty
PostSubject: Um..question about Stats or w/e they're called.   Um..question about Stats or w/e they're called. EmptyTue Apr 29, 2008 9:59 pm

Ok so I'm an EA and I always seem to screw up the stats. Ya know...the 5 points you get when you level up. So...What is the best way to go about placing the points? (I was told before but I forgot) Could someone please go through each "race" and "profession" and explain? (I screwed up my EP too...heh Embarassed
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Um..question about Stats or w/e they're called. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Um..question about Stats or w/e they're called.   Um..question about Stats or w/e they're called. EmptyTue Apr 29, 2008 11:36 pm

Coley wrote:
Ok so I'm an EA and I always seem to screw up the stats. Ya know...the 5 points you get when you level up. So...What is the best way to go about placing the points? (I was told before but I forgot) Could someone please go through each "race" and "profession" and explain? (I screwed up my EP too...heh Embarassed

The most important state for an EA is AGI so try to put as much AGI as you can and only have enough STR to wear "light armor" of your lvl.

NEVER increase INT and for CON its up to you I like to make CON = to my lvl which in turn gives you ok hp and enough points to still rasie your AGI

- So I recommend that you raise just enough STR to wear your armor and the rest into AGI
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Um..question about Stats or w/e they're called.
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