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 What's with the PVP?

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Join date : 2008-04-28

What's with the PVP? Empty
PostSubject: What's with the PVP?   What's with the PVP? EmptyWed Apr 30, 2008 3:47 am

When I first came in, everyone said you can't PvP till level 30. I understand there's PvP in the Arena. But I see people whacking the bejabbers out of each other right next to me in town. Are there different types of PvP? What is up with the PvP combat in the town? Can just anyone come up and start whacking on me? I'm scratchin' my head here.

Oh yeah, and why am I swamped with "invitations" to "combat" other people? I'm innoffensive; I am not rude and I don't make remarks. What is the point of this? Why would anyone want to "combat" other players while standing around town? Don't you risk losing important stuff such as experience and items if you die?
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Join date : 2008-04-20
Age : 33

What's with the PVP? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's with the PVP?   What's with the PVP? EmptyThu May 01, 2008 2:28 am

baubo wrote:
When I first came in, everyone said you can't PvP till level 30. I understand there's PvP in the Arena. But I see people whacking the bejabbers out of each other right next to me in town. Are there different types of PvP? What is up with the PvP combat in the town? Can just anyone come up and start whacking on me? I'm scratchin' my head here.

Oh yeah, and why am I swamped with "invitations" to "combat" other people? I'm innoffensive; I am not rude and I don't make remarks. What is the point of this? Why would anyone want to "combat" other players while standing around town? Don't you risk losing important stuff such as experience and items if you die?

There are 3 types of pvp

1) PK ( player killing ) - when your lvl 30 you can attack and kill ppl randomly or non-randomly - However you risk losing important items when your name turns red. This can occur anywhere in the battlefield

TIPS - Run into "safezone" if your being pked" if your name is white the chance of you droping your equipment is 0% and you don't lose exp if you die.

2) Duel ( You fight for fun with another person ) - People can invite you to combat with them or you can invite them. In a duel no one looses exp or items. Its just for fun.

TIPS - In a duel the two players dueling will have an orange ring around them.

3) Arena ( you fight for fun with a group of ppl in an area ) - Arena Pvp is a special event for you to make money and have fun. You can enter the arena event on the weekends.
In the Areana there'll be chest for you to dig up and a chance for you to get cool stuff. You also have to fight with other ppl for the chest.
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Join date : 2008-04-28

What's with the PVP? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's with the PVP?   What's with the PVP? EmptyThu May 01, 2008 2:38 am

thank you, Admired! It finally occurred to me that dueling would be great for testing out equipment and strategies, but I wouldn't know how to initiate it. I keep forgetting about all the toolbars and options there are, so I bet if I hunt I can find that.

So in duels, do you have to be careful to stop when your opponent's hit points get low? Or are you automatically stopped from killing him/her somehow? Must be difficult for mages, because there's no way to know how much damage you're gong to inflict or how many hp your opponent has, is there?

Thanks again!
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Age : 36
Location : Hot Springs, AR, USA

What's with the PVP? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's with the PVP?   What's with the PVP? EmptyFri May 02, 2008 7:36 am

you wont be able to kill your opponent in a duel, your hp/mp will be returned to normal after the duel is decided
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Join date : 2008-04-28

What's with the PVP? Empty
PostSubject: Any point to low-level pk-ing by high levels?   What's with the PVP? EmptyWed May 07, 2008 12:13 am

Thank you for the clarification and explanations!

I just today experienced being non-consensually pk'ed and it's kinda changed my view of this game. Some very high levels came to an area where a bunch of us lower levels were farming for level 30 or so quests. These high levels killed everyone in the area and then hung around to see if we'd go back out so they could do it again. There was no preponderance of any one guild in the area and no reason was ever given.

I don't see the point of this, and I don't see the point of allowing it, so that's my question: Is there any game-related point to this sort of thing or is it just what it looked like, a bunch of people dominating other players just because they can?


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