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 heavy armor for mg?

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2 posters


Posts : 66
Join date : 2008-05-01
Age : 36
Location : Hot Springs, AR, USA

heavy armor for mg? Empty
PostSubject: heavy armor for mg?   heavy armor for mg? EmptyThu May 08, 2008 7:50 pm

i just realized that i am about 4 agility off from wearing grade 2 heavy armor which would increase my pdef massively especially with my stone shield buff increasing my overall pdef 70% atm.... would that be a smart thing to do? i think it would help me out a ton
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Join date : 2008-04-06

heavy armor for mg? Empty
PostSubject: Re: heavy armor for mg?   heavy armor for mg? EmptyFri May 09, 2008 7:38 pm

Haha i remmeber this - Six added str and agi to wear heavy armor and use his earth shield with WR DEF and EP DEF buff = Pure ownage DEF right? lol but in turn he was a shitty ass MG cause he had low Magical DEF and low Magical ATk

So he restat back to pure INT and look he can solo a lvl 75 boss lol

Do what MGs do best lol tank magical mobs and one hit things which after lvl 60 most mobs shoots magic and bosses do to - MG gets super pro after lvl 89 being able to one hit WB like nothing haha
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heavy armor for mg?
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