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 hundreds of dollars after 59?

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Posts : 66
Join date : 2008-05-01
Age : 36
Location : Hot Springs, AR, USA

hundreds of dollars after 59? Empty
PostSubject: hundreds of dollars after 59?   hundreds of dollars after 59? EmptyThu May 08, 2008 8:08 pm

my friend just told me that in order to lvl my mg past 59 im looking at spending a shit ton of real money and thats not very appealing to me... he said i should make a wr or wb if i want to play for free. if thats the real case then i really dont even want to play this game -_- i dont even want to spend 30 bucks a month im too poor for that
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Join date : 2008-04-06

hundreds of dollars after 59? Empty
PostSubject: Re: hundreds of dollars after 59?   hundreds of dollars after 59? EmptyFri May 09, 2008 7:52 pm

Well I disagree

All class waste a lot of money except WF

You just gotta play smart

1) Go for mobs that are weak against your element
2) Go for Mobs with Magical ATK
3) Don't grind mobs without a quest its been made clear by the GM's that quest is the cheapest and fastest way to lvl up
4) Try to do all quest with a party
5) In a boss fight only atk the boss after 50% of its HP is gone so the boss doesn't atk u lol just heal ppl with ur shitty heal lol

Make money

1) Sell Materials
2) Sell DQ's items
3) Make a low WF and hunt DQ items lol and pet eggs then Mail the gold back to your MG haha I even have a WF they are the money making class lol
4) Buy Materials and DQ for cheap then sell it for a higher price

Save on hieros
1) Remember those herbs? Make some pots with pharmacist skill
2) Ask me to spam world "Buying gold-heiro for 700k" most rich noobs don''t know they can sell their cubi-gold lol

Save money
1) Sell DQ's items and do normal quest instead
2) fly instead of teleport
3) Don;t get a mount
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