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 KOS Guidelines -Read before requesting an addition to the kos list-

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KOS Guidelines -Read before requesting an addition to the kos list- Empty
PostSubject: KOS Guidelines -Read before requesting an addition to the kos list-   KOS Guidelines -Read before requesting an addition to the kos list- EmptyMon Jun 09, 2008 12:25 am

In order to prevent everyone that pks somebody once from ending up on here here are some guidelines to adding to the list.

For an individual player (random pk) (meaning nothing was done to provoke them. An example of provoking them would be ksing them, looting, attacking them, Insulting them, etc...)
-You should have been assaulted 3 times
-You should also have at least 1 piece of evidence (a screen shot showing your death message [you have been killed by _______], or a witness who will confirm your report on the forums.)
- If there are any witnesses known to be honest by people in the guild that claim you provoked the person in some way the request for the person to be added to the kos list will be omitted.

Individual Player- Assault on multiple guild members
-More than 3 members have to have been assaulted. NOTE: this excludes those that came to clean up the mess or members nearby that took action upon the pker.

Someone will not be added to kos for killing a player who's name was red regardless of the circumstances. If you lose an item youl just have to replace it. The same applies to other guilds attacking someone thats red named.

For guilds to be added to kos.
if a guild places our full guild on kos they will be added to the list.
Other conditions for this are still up for discussion

This is only a basic set of rules and will be revised as it is discussed. and as the administration sees fit.
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KOS Guidelines -Read before requesting an addition to the kos list-
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