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 Starting this Friday, Sept. 5th at 8pm EST we will be holding a challenge to all our Asperity Guild members. You will have exactly one week to level your character for a chance to Win! *READ MORE FOR DETAILS*

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Starting this Friday, Sept. 5th at 8pm EST we will be holding a challenge to all our Asperity Guild members. You will have exactly one week to level your character for a chance to Win! *READ MORE FOR DETAILS* Empty
PostSubject: Starting this Friday, Sept. 5th at 8pm EST we will be holding a challenge to all our Asperity Guild members. You will have exactly one week to level your character for a chance to Win! *READ MORE FOR DETAILS*   Starting this Friday, Sept. 5th at 8pm EST we will be holding a challenge to all our Asperity Guild members. You will have exactly one week to level your character for a chance to Win! *READ MORE FOR DETAILS* EmptyWed Sep 03, 2008 4:56 am

Levels 1-20: reach level 20 and automatically get 20,000

Since the higher your level the harder it is to level. The challenge is as follows:

levels 20's: level your character 10 levels
levels 30's: level your character 7 levels
levels 40's: level your character 5 levels
levels 60's: level your character 2 levels

The first 3 players to obtain this goal will win:

1st Place: 200,000
2nd Place: 125,000
3rd Place: 75,000
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Starting this Friday, Sept. 5th at 8pm EST we will be holding a challenge to all our Asperity Guild members. You will have exactly one week to level your character for a chance to Win! *READ MORE FOR DETAILS*
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