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 Can you make another for me?

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2 posters


Posts : 8
Join date : 2008-04-20
Age : 40
Location : Wentzville, Missouri USA

Can you make another for me? Empty
PostSubject: Can you make another for me?   Can you make another for me? EmptyTue May 20, 2008 9:08 pm

This is COLEY!!! Here's some pics for ya, if you need different ones, let me know. (there's some quotes at the bottom, if they're ok, you can add them to Coley and Vaeh's sigs) ^^

Can you make another for me? 2008-05-1920-16-56

Can you make another for me? 2008-05-1920-18-24

Can you make another for me? 2008-05-1920-19-22

Can you make another for me? 2008-05-1920-19-56

Can you make another for me? 2008-05-1920-23-53

Can you make another for me? 2008-05-1920-24-11

Blood is thicker than water....and much tastier

Not all who wander are lost

For heaven's sake catch me before I kill more...I can not control myself

I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum...and I'm all out of bubble gum

And though I am prepared to face my destiny, you will not find me easy prey

(If they kinda suck, let me know, i'll try to find more)

You kick butt in making these so just pick w/e color you think looks best ^^

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Posts : 66
Join date : 2008-05-01
Age : 37
Location : Hot Springs, AR, USA

Can you make another for me? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you make another for me?   Can you make another for me? EmptyWed May 21, 2008 4:26 pm

yeah ill edit your sig here in a bit when im done running errands
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Posts : 66
Join date : 2008-05-01
Age : 37
Location : Hot Springs, AR, USA

Can you make another for me? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you make another for me?   Can you make another for me? EmptyTue May 27, 2008 4:07 am

hey coley can you take new screenshots but this time try to get the sun facing your char against a dark background so its easier for me to edit and it will look better.
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Can you make another for me? Empty
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